Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bass Fishing

We did a little fishing today. This was our big catch of the day, and a whole team effort. Ba caught it, I reeled it in, and Sam and Owen used the net to get him out of the water!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sam's First Worksheet!

Sam brought his first big boy worksheet home from school today!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Max on the Move

A little diversion...Max on the go :)


The camera on my phone is lousy, but we went up to lookout at Mt. Mitchell in Atlantic Highlands this morning. There is a beautiful view of the City and a 9/11 memorial there.

Sam with the skyline behind him...

The 9/11 memorial...the eagle is carrying a piece of twisted metal from the World Trade Center. Our conversation - Sam: What is it holding; Me: A piece of metal from a building; Sam: Why is it bent? Me: Because the building fell down; Sam: Why did the building fall down? Me: I don't know, Bud...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Doing A Little Digging

From Abi's Facebook Post :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Turtleback Zoo

Sam woke up and wanted to go to the zoo. We figured, why not? :)

Excited to get started....

Showing Max the penguins...

A great pic of Sam and Mom...

Getting some physical entertainment in too!

Where are the prairie dogs?!?!


Whoops, I mean Monkeys :)

Trying to feed apparently full song birds...

The guys...

Max got used to the train...

Checking out the loepard...

A Red Panda...very cool

The alligator!

Friday, September 2, 2011