Sunday, October 31, 2010


Sam was super excited about Halloween for the last few days. He woke up this morning asking of he could go trick-or-treating. As for Max, we're not sure about his excitement level, but he took everything in stride.

Here's our little gorilla...

..and Max, the great pumpkin!

Trick-or-treating in the neighborhood...

Visiting with Mary and the kids...

Sam finally lost all of his eneregy on the way home from Gram and Ba's ;)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Little Pumpkin

Getting ready to go watch Sam's parade

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Doctor Visit #2

Max's second doctor visit wen toff without a hitch...he is gaining weight and is now 8.1 lbs. The way he's eating he may be up to 22 lbs by next visit :)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tub Time

We gave Max his first official tub today...he wasn't so sure, until we began washing his head, which he (like Sam) loved!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Four Of Us

Papa and Grandma P came for a nice visit today, and took a pretty good pic of the family :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Slumber Party!

Max hung out with Sam before bed tonight...and Sam REALLY wanted him to stay. He even said it would be ok because he'd keep Max safe!

Eyes of the World

Monday, October 18, 2010

Doctor Visit

Max went to the Doctor today and we learned that he gained eight ounces since he left the hospital Friday...woah! He now weighs in at 7 lbs, 7 oz.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hanging Around

The boys hanging out, watching Thomas or something...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Scary Pumpkinhead

Sam made SCARY pumpkins today with little monster potatohead pieces...

The first came out pretty good, and Sam seemed pretty pleased :)

Notice the tongue!

Max just hung out through the festivities...

Sam Meets Max

A few days late, but here's the video of Sam meeting Max for the first time :)

Fireman Sam

When he hears that fire-bell chime,Fireman Sam is there on time.
Putting on his coat and hat,
In less than seven seconds flat.
He's always on the scene.
Fireman Sam!

Evie "Oh My" Berger

Grandma Evie was our first stop after leaving the hospital. She was so thrilled that we almost needed to drive right back :)

Friday, October 15, 2010


They look a lot alike, don't they?!

Max's First Day...

Sam's First Day...

Heading Home

Mom and Max coming down the hallway, ready to head home...

Mom, Dad, and Max...

In his carseat, ready to go!

Dad and Max :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Elise and Matt visited Max today. Neither had held a baby as little as Max before, but they were both pro's!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I like how you can see everyone, and you can see the reflection of Max on the left :)

Max Meets The Boys

I love this one of Sam, Owen and Max :)

Here's Sam doing his best imitation of Max's cry!

The Big Brother with his present from Max. He was so surprised that Max knew what he would like...imagine that.

The first pic of the men of the family!

The Man of the Hour

A few more good one's from Max's first day...

Resting on mom...


With his hippo from Sam

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maxwell James Arrives

Gearing up for the big event!

Max arrived at 8:09 this morning weighing in at a bitty 7 lbs, 3 ounces


Bathed Boy :)

Max and Mommy :)